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Latest News 26 August 2022

Bis strengthens its innovation commercialisation with new appointment

Bis has announced the appointment of seasoned innovation, engineering and project management executive, Stephen Edwards, as its new Executive General Manager – Innovation.

Stephen will primarily lead the commercialisation of Bis’ exciting innovation pipeline, including overseeing the company’s valued partnerships and joint ventures in the innovation space.

In welcoming Stephen to the business, Bis Chief Executive Officer (Acting) Michael Porter said the appointment signals a period of significant momentum for the company’s important innovation pipeline.

‘We have conscientiously taken time to refine and further enhance our current portfolio of innovations over the last 12-24months, which includes Rexx and Razor as well as Trifecta, together with their relevant partners.

‘Our innovations are making significant and expanding inroads into offering genuine game changing products that provide solutions for increasing productivities, efficiencies, safety and sustainability.

‘Stephen is joining Bis at both an important and exciting time. He offers unsurpassed expertise across the multidisciplinary areas of innovation, project management, engineering and commercialisation. The Bis innovation pipeline is in the safest of hands under Stephen’s stewardship.’

Stephen said he was thrilled to be joining Bis.

‘I have had a relationship with Bis for a number of years, so I am particularly energised to now have the opportunity to guide its customer-led innovation products and services through commercialisation and beyond.’

‘After seeing first-hand the significant productivity, safety and environmental benefits of these innovations, I’m eager to work with our customers to bring these patented solutions into their operations.’

Stephen joins Bis most recently from running his own management consultancy, Skyripple and has 30 years of experience encompassing strategic planning, innovation, operational analysis, organisational transformation, and program and project management across a range of sectors and organisations.

Stephen has also held senior management positions in resource and management consulting organisations including, BHP, BlackPoint Consulting, Deloitte, and Arthur Anderson.

Stephen holds a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Engineering and a Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment.