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Our Stories 09 January 2024

Humans of Bis – Elana

Meet Elana, our Organisational Development Specialist. What does that mean? Her role is all about making sure our teams are supported and empowered to be “Better Every Day” and progress their career here at Bis and on to wherever they want to be.

In her previous role in our Resourcing team, she was able to see the ins-and-outs of the business’ different (predominately office based) functions and roles within our organisation. In this space, she became more involved in discussions around retentiona, salary reviews and progression pathways for existing staff, which led her to her current role in October 2023. Her passion for personal development in her life, career, and working as a life coach on the side, she’s been able to immerse herself into the idea of “Better Every Day”.

The hard work and leaps of faith she has made throughout her career – embracing change, jumping industries, self-discipline, and investing in a mentor for herself – in just a few years have paid off.

“Five years ago, I did not think I was going to be where I am now. I wasn’t even in the HR/recruitment sector. I was still working as a Business Operations Coordinator for a University, feeling quite unsatisfied and unfulfilled.”

Fast forward to now, she’s come full circle and has been able to craft a role for herself – crafting ways for our people to progress. Deepening her knowledge in the Organisational Development space is where she wants to be and knows this as crucial area for development for the people Bis.

“I am proud of the changes within the business and the new direction we are taking to focus on developing our current workforce.”

Part of her role is building training materials and holding team workshops that help people collaborate better and leverage each other, our support networks and the resources we have available – whether that be using our EAP, training programs or initiatives.

“[Creating success is about] learning from the best people in the industry/business. There is power in having the ability to network and get in the same rooms of people you aspire to be or work with. It only takes one person to see potential in you and get you into a role that you desire.”

She knows the best thing about working for Bis is the people, and that working with people who are satisfied in their roles and futures rubs off, both every day and in the long run.

I love the people I work with. The People team is supportive and empowering and I enjoy working with team we have. The team makes long days in the office easier to get through.”

She also accredits her success to a supportive husband who pushes her every day to trust herself, be disciplined and live life authentically. As well as a strict morning and evening routine that keeps her motivated and disciplined throughout the day, and her airpods to listen to music and stay focused while she’s in work mode.

“I believe that “how you do anything is how you do everything”. If I am slack in one area, I will be slack in another, so I try to ensure I do all tasks to my best ability within every aspect of my life.”

Just for the record Elana – slack would be the last word we would use to describe what you do!

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